RECMI industry, philosophy and history
"With the ambition to produce high-performance machines and innovation"
We created RECMI Industrie 30 years ago with the ambition to manufacture high performance innovative machines, which are easy to understand, operate and repair.
RECMI Industrie offers accurate and reliable equipment, which takes in account the evolution of the printing market’s needs and also new developments in web press technology.
We proudly rely on our team, who subscribe to our philosophy, and a network of sales representative which spread our concepts and design worldwide.
The success of RECMI Industrie is not only a technical achievement but also a human one.
Our sales and service departments are at your disposal to listen to your needs, and to adapt to your most complex situations. We know how to bring you answers and provide you with support intervention quickly in order to assure the optimal running of your installation. It is our job and we do it with a passion !
RECMI Industrie has a strong reputation for helping you achieve excellence in your signature handling requirements. We thank you and will continue to assist you in any way we can to support your on-going development.